What Is Electrolysis?

As far back as the early 1900s, electrolysis was being used for the treatment of port-wine marks, broken capillaries, spider naevus, warts, and even xanthoma (yellow pigmented spots or plates found on the eyelids). Today, it has progressed a long way, and with ongoing improvements and modern technology, it is now a safe, comfortable, and effective way of removing skin blemishes.

What Happens during the Treatment?

The tip of the finest probe (about the size of an eyelash) is introduced along the line of the capillary and a tiny energy current is discharged. This ‘dries up’ and destroys the vessel, which often disappears as it is being treated. Further treatments may be necessary depending on the severity of the problem. In the case of skin tags, the current destroys the vessels that are ‘feeding’ the blemish, ‘starving’ it of nourishment and resulting in its eventual demise.

Will My Blemishes Return?

The treated blemish will not return, but depending on the root cause, others may occur. Debbie will be able to advise you on this during your consultation.

How Long Will the Treatment Take?

The length of the treatment will depend on the type of skin blemish and the size of area to be treated. Debbie will advise on this during your consultation.

Need More Information?

If you require more information about electrolysis, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Debbie. She can use the procedure to treat other skin conditions, such as sebaceous cysts, age spots, xanthelasma, and other blemishes.Please note that some blemishes require a GP’s written consent prior to treatment. Debbie will advise you on this, if required, at your FREE consultation.